Bring France Home on France 2 TV news

We had the pleasure of receiving in our shop yesterday afternoon, a team from France Télévision who was preparing a report on the economic downturn in Parisian tourism.

For sure, Paris is empty: no or few foreign tourists, and Parisians gone for summer vacation. The tourism industry is not doing well, many hotels are closed and the courageous ones that remain open cannot break even due to a low occupancy rate.

At Bring France Home we keep our spirits up while we wait for the return of our beloved tourists. Since May 11th, date of the deconfinement, we have not closed a single day and we remain open all August from 11:00 to 19:00, French Time.

Our muse, Billie, explains the opening hours in French.
That’s for our English-speaking friends.
This is for our neighbour Hassan Habibi, who is also open every day.
and this is the version for our friends across the Rhine.

Anyway here we are, we have a lot of nice items in stock, all made in France. If you have a small gift to give, don’t hesitate to come and see us or to order on our website , open 24 hours a day.