A long time ago, when you only had one landline telephone per household, three TV channels and no internet, you used to listen to the radio a lot, and even then, there was little choice. Until 1981 there was a state monopoly in France which prohibited commercial radio stations from broadcasting in France.
Radio stations, known as peripherals, broadcasted from abroad. The three main radio stations were Europe 1, RTL and RMC. Europe 1 was based in West Germany, RTL in Luxembourg and RMC in Monaco.
Each radio station had its emblematic programs:
- “Salut les Copains”, a music program for Europe 1,
- “Quitte ou Double”, a radio game for RMC, and
- “La Valise”, another radio game, for RTL.
How much is there in the RTL suitcase?
The principle of the RTL suitcase was to offer a sum of money supposed to be contained in a suitcase. The radio called a telephone number taken at random from the telephone book and asked for the amount supposed to be in the suitcase. The listener who gave the exact amount won the prize. If not, the radio added money to the jackpot, which was put back into play the next day.
The RTL suitcase was presented by various radio stars, among which Jean-Pierre Foucault and Fabrice. The latter was particularly sadistic because he always gave the feeling that you had the right number.
– How much did you say was in the RTL Suitcase?
– 10.847 Francs
– You said 10,847 francs?
– Yes 10.847 Francs!
– Are you sure? 10,847 francs?
– Yes, yes, yes, yes, I said 10,847 francs!
When the listener was on the verge of dancing for joy while screaming in his kitchen, Fabrice would tell him that this was not the right amount and that unfortunately he had lost.
Jean-Pierre Foucaut was nicer than Fabrice. He is in fact Madame Sarfati’s favorite radio star.
The comeback of the famous RTL suitcase
The RTL suitcase went on its original form for more than 30 years. After a few years of interruption, the game came back in a new version: only the radio station’s listeners are called and, in addition to a sum of money, the winner also wins prize packages.
When Bring France Home had the opportunity to participate in the game, we didn’t hesitate for a second. We kind of know a lot about travelling and how to properly pack a suitcase with gifts. Just have a look at our logo: with not doubt, this emblematic radio is made for us .
Many thanks to Thierry Mathieu from Amicalement Vôtre, George and Laurent Ruquier who gave us the opportunity to be part of the game.